Monday, December 27, 2010

Has some parallel universe become intwined with ours?

Earth, America, USA to whatever we are in now. 
How many of us wake each morning, read the paper or take a journey around the internet that even recognize what we see? 

IF we think about it, it's as if we have somehow been transported to some parallel universe, where the ideology of "Idiotracy" and "Liberalism" have become somewhat transposed into one. One that we could identify in some new moniker, perhaps "Libidiot" would be appropriate. 

As this occurrence, isn't some abnormally, they seem to be reserved for the actions of the "Congress" but repetitive, constant attacks on the very foundations of our society, perhaps we are ready for some evaluation of why this insanity occurs. 

Is there anyway we can even begin to understand why this nation is so inundated by this constant attack on our government, our society, and the very civilization that is America? Has history have any insights, any design, or any indications that perhaps somewhere at some time, someone or group of people set out with the specific purpose to destroy the very country that represents the United States of America? 

Seems an odd objective, one that would make one wonder why? Why would anyone be determined to destroy a nation that has a history of providing for the world more than the value or the ideas of the rest of the world combined? What could have this nation done, which makes so many adamant to desire its destruction? Not only the why, but how would they do it? And who were these people, and why or how did they get such a sick perverted outlook of reality, that they identify this nation as bad? 

There are no difficult questions here; but questions that seem to lack any real reasoning or answers unless we make a concerted effort to combine much of our past, the world's past, and the political, economical, and historical perspectives of our nation into one synopsis, one condensation of the identifiable points, and tie them together. 

That is the only objective this blog is attempting to accomplish. We can identify in this nation there is an illiteracy harming this country not only today, but its future. As you take the journey into the insights developed over the past few years, it will provide a short-cut into some understanding of all the things one must know in order to understand our present predicament.